Control with CAN
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We analyze the CAN protocol used in the VESC firmware. VESC CAN communication follows a CAN communication protocol called Extended ID (EID) or Extended Format. While Base Format consists of an ID value of 11 bits, Extended Format consists of an ID value of 29 bits. Therefore, VESC sends controller_id and command together as ID values, which are described in more detail below.
Comparison between Base Frame format vs. Extended Format
In VESC CAN Protocol, there is can status message which is periodically sent(aka Telemetry). You can check the rate and message mode in VESC-Tool. Currently, there are two VESCs connected on same CAN bus (local controller_id is 101 and the other one is 27) and baudrate is 500Kbps. The periodically sending status msgs rate is 20Hz and the message mode is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 which is sending 5 different type of messages.
If you check CAN message using CAN analyzing tool(in my case CANable board and UCCBViewer). I bought CANable board at here. UCCBViewer can be downloaded at and you can run the program using below command.
VESC 101 is connected to PC via USB and VESC 101, 27 and CANable board are connected via CAN BUS. (Caution! How to use terminal resistor)
I used CANable board to observe CAN messages. The periodic message are as below.
Let's decode Id. CAN messages from VESC use an extended ID (EID), containing the command and controller_id. The lower 1 byte(8 bits) represents the VESC controller_id and the remaining higher byte is the index value of CAN_PACKET_ID.
00000965h means,
0x0000009 = 9(CAN_PACKET_STATUS)
0x65 = 101(controller_id)
00000e65h means,
0x000000e = 14(CAN_PACKET_STATUS_2)
0x65 = 101(controller_id)
00000f65h means,
0x000000f = 15(CAN_PACKET_STATUS_3)
0x65 = 101(controller_id)
00001065h means,
0x0000010 = 16(CAN_PACKET_STATUS_4)
0x65 = 101(controller_id)
00001b65h means,
0x000001b = 27(CAN_PACKET_STATUS_5)
0x65 = 101(controller_id)
So, this message are CAN status msgs from controller_id 101. And the Data of CAN status msgs are as below
rpm(4 byte), current*10.0(2 byte), duty*1000.0(2 byte)
amp_hours*10000.0(4 byte), amp_hours_charged*10000.0(4 byte)
watt_hours*10000.0(4 byte), watt_hours_charged*10000.0(4 byte)
temp_fet*10.0(2 byte), temp_motor*10.0(2 byte), current_in*10.0(2 byte), pid_pos_now*50.0(2 byte)
tacho_value(4 byte), v_in*10.0(2 byte), reserved as 0(2 byte)
Let's decode data;
CAN_PACKET_STATUS : 00 00 0c f2 00 02 00 64
rpm = 3314(0x00000cf4)
current = 0.2(0x0002)
duty = 0.1(0x0064)
CAN_PACKET_STATUS_2 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
amp_hours = 0
amp_hours_charged = 0
CAN_PACKET_STATUS_3 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
watt_hours = 0
watt_hours_charged = 0
CAN_PACKET_STATUS_4 : 01 75 01 c1 00 00 2c c6
temp_fet = 37.3(0x0175)
temp_motor = 44.9(0x01c1)
current_in = 0(0x0000)
pid_pos_now = 229.24(0x2cc6)
CAN_PACKET_STATUS_5 : 00 04 aa d5 00 c2 00 00
tacho_value = 305877(0x0004aad5)
v_in = 19.4(0x00c2)
reserved as 0(2 byte)
There is a slight time difference between the data in CAN Status Msg and the data in VESC-Tool, so it is assumed that the values are not exactly the same but roughly correct.
Now, let me know the CAN messages for controlling motor.
@comm_can.c, we use below function to send can message basically.
And, above function called as below. For example, to control the current, we send the VESC CAN ID (controller_id) and index number of CAN_PACKET_ID (CAN_PACKET_SET_CURRENT) are muxed and sent to the id value in comm_can_transmit_eid_replace() function. And we send 4 byte current data (current value * 1000) in the DATA frame.
The typical CAN message commands available in VESC are tabulated. If the controller_id is 101(0x65), we can use below commands.
Message Name
Extended ID
(Data Length Code)
Set Duty Cycle (index=0)
duty * 100000.0
Set Current (index=1)
current * 1000.0
Set Current Brake (index=2)
current * 1000.0
Set RPM (index=3)
Set Position (index=4)
pos * 1000000.0
If we send 10% duty cycle command to the controller_id 101, the can message is as below. At DATA, 0.1*100000.0 = 10000 = 0x2710. When using UCCBViewer, you should turn on Ext and Repeat option.
If we send 5A current brake command to the controller_id 101, the can message is as below. At DATA, 5*1000.0 = 5000 = 0x1388
If we send 1000 ERPM command to the controller_id 101, the can message is as below. At DATA, 1000 = 0x03E8
In VESC-Tool, we can access all the functions of CAN connected device using CAN Forward function. Now, my VESC-Tool is connected to VESC (controller_id 101) by USB (ttyACM0). When we select Motor 27, it turns on CAN Forward function automatically, then we can find CAN Forward Messages as below.
CAN Status function is disabled on both controller. Above figure shows the trace of CAN messages when I command 3.0A current using CAN Forward.
Let's decode this;
0000081bh means,
0x1b = 27(controller_id)
0x65 00 06 00 00 0b b8 means,
0x65 = 101(controller_id)
0x00 ('send' value at comm_can_send_buffer() function)
0x00000bb8 = 3000(3000/1000.0 = 3A)
The 3.0A current command is given to VESC 101 from VESC-Tool via USB.The commands sent from VESC-Tool are probably as follows:
0x221b0600000bb8 which means
0x1b = 27(CAN Forward Target VESC controller_id)
0x00000bb8 = 3000(current *1000.0 so, it means 3000/1000.0 = 3A)
This messages is processed on 'command.c' using below code. In our case, HW_HAS_DUAL_MOTORS is not defined.
That is, the data[0] is CAN Forward Target VESC controller_id(0x1b) and the rest of the data(0x0600000bb8) is passed by CAN bus. The actual code of comm_can_send_buffer() function is as below and the len of original data (0x221b0600000bb8) is 7 (7byte), so the len -1 = 6.
So, at the below code, actual values of input variables are as follows:
uint8_t controller_id = 0x1b
uint8_t *data = 0x0600000bb8
unsigned int len = 6
uint8_t send = 0
Because len <=6, send_buffer[] will be packed up as follows;
send_buffer[0] = 101(0x65) -> local VESC controller_id
send_buffer[1] = 0
send_buffer[2] = 0x06
send_buffer[3] = 0x00
send_buffer[4] = 0x00
send_buffer[5] = 0x0b
send_buffer[6] = 0xb8
When the CAN message is actually sending, the extended ID (eid) contains the command(CAN_PACKET_PROCESS_SHORT_BUFFER=8).
As a result, we can see that the CAN message equals the value observed by the UCCBViewer.
On the same principle, we can decode all the messages
65 00 1e
CAN_Forward to 0x1b(27),
0x1e = 30(COMM_ALIVE)
65 00 06 00 00 00 00
CAN_Forward to 0x1b(27), 0x06 = 6(COMM_SET_CURRENT)
0x00000000 = 0(current *1000.0)
! Note that COMM_ALIVE is used to maintain the current state of control.
For short instructions with a length of less than 6, the CAN_FORWARD command is processed as shown above.
This time, let's talk about a longer command.
I sended CAN messages (Id = 0x0000081, DLC = 3, DATA = 0x 650004). This message means follows:
0000081bh means,
0x1b = 27(controller_id)
0x650004 means,
0x65 = 101(controller_id)
0x00 ('send' value at comm_can_send_buffer() function)
The above message is handled by VESC 27 and the code below is called because the command is 'CAN_PACKET_PROCESS_SHOT_BUFFER' from 'comm_can.c'.
In here,
rx_buffer_last_id = 0x65
commands_send = 0
commands_process_packet ( 0x04, 1, function pointer )
Third input of function 'commands_process_packet()' is function pointer of 'send_packet_wrapper()' and eventually 'comm_can_send_buffer()' is called to reply to messages. As a result, we can observe below replying messages about 'COMM_GET_VALUES'.
0x000005 = 5(CAN_PACKET_FILL_RX_BUFFER) -> receive data stream
0x65 = 101
0x000007 = 7(CAN_PACKET_PROCESS_RX_BUFFER) -> process received data
0x65 = 101
In the data of Id (00000565h), every first byte indicate data length Index, that is
0x00 = 0
0x07 = 7
0x0e = 14
0x15 = 21
0x1c = 28
0x23 = 35
0x2a = 42
0x31 = 49
0x38 = 56
0x3f = 63
0x46 = 70
Except for the first byte, the remaining data corresponds to continuous data in the reply message for COMM_GET_VALUE. Separating the data into bytes per variable shown in 'commands.c'. It can be interpreted as follows ( | indicate bytes separation):
00 | 04 | 01 42 | 01 6d | 00 00
07 | 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 | 00 0e | 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 | 15 | 00 00 | 00 04 94 00 | 00 1c | c2 | 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 23 | 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 | 00
2a | 00 00 00 | 00 06 9c 78 |
31 | 00 06 9c ca | 00 | 00 00
38 | 00 00 | 1b | 00 00 | 00 00 |
3f | 00 00 | 00 00 00 05 | 00
46 | 00 00 00
00 = 0(length index)
01 42 = temp_fet*10 ->temp_fet = 32.2 01 6d = temp_motor*10 ->temp_motor = 36.5
00 00 00 00 = motor_current*100
00 00 00 00 = input_current*100 00 00 00 00 = id*100 00 00 00 00 = iq*100
00 00 = duty*1000
00 04 94 00 = rpm ->rpm=300032 00 c2 = volt*10 ->volt = 19.4
00 00 00 00 = amp_hours*10000
00 00 00 00 = amp_hours_charged*10000
00 00 00 00 = watt_hours_charged*10000
00 00 00 00 = watt_hours_charged*10000
00 06 9c 78 = tacho ->433272
00 06 9c ca = tacho_abs ->433354
00 = fault_code
00 00 00 00 = pid_pos_now*1000000
1b = 27 (controller_id)
00 00 = temp_mos1*10
00 00 = temp_mos2*10
00 00 = temp_mos3*10
00 00 00 05 = vd*1000 ->vd=0.005
00 00 00 00 = vq*1000
1b 01 00 49 13 99
1b = 27 (controller_id)
01 = send
00 49 = 73 = length of data
13 99 = CRC
Above, we introduce how to obtain data by requesting 'COMM_GET_VALUE' in a 'CAN_FORWARD' manner. The method of using "CAN_FORWARD" can be used to transmit virtually all the "commands" of the VESC, but this is somewhat complicated because it requires proper interpretation of the data for the reply message as seen earlier. However, I think it will be able to use it well if necessary.
VESC CAN Message Structure ESK8 Electronics vesccan-bus News Log In
CAN Bus Baudrate : 1Mbps
Command Freq : 1kHz
Status Message Freq : 1kHz
Status Message Data : pos(rad), vel(rad/s), curr(A), motor_temp(degree)
Result :
Max CAN bus Load : 85%
Max Controller : 6EA